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Media Arts Examples for Students with No Work to Show in Discipline

We welcome applications from students who have a strong interest in, but little or no firsthand experience with, any of our disciplines. A student who has no work to show in a particular discipline must write a sincere and compelling statement articulating her/his interest in devoting an intensive month to study. Such applications will be well served if they are accompanied by evidence of creative work in and dedicated study of some other creative medium. Acceptable “other” creative media include many disciplines: writing, poetry, sculpture, painting, drawing, theatre, voice, fashion, design. When a student is unable to submit work in the discipline to which she is applying, it is very important that a written statement articulate her interest in that discipline and her eager willingness to apply herself and learn.

Here are some examples:

Problem: You want to apply for Electronic Sound Art, but do not have any personal compositional work.  You HAVE spent over 5 years studying piano, and have a deep appreciation of modern jazz.

How to Apply: Send a recording of a recent piano recital and write about listening to Monk and Coltrane


Problem: Applicant for Computer Animation/ Intermedia has taken a computer graphics class in high school but has no animations.

How to Apply: He sends his best 4 or 5 graphics pieces and writes about his love of computers, and his interest in the vast possibilities of the Adobe Creative Suite, and his overall eagerness to LEARN MORE.


Problem: Applicant to 16mm film has never shot film but has made digital motion pictures and wants to work with actual FILM and wants to really understand exposure and lenses.

How to Apply: The Student sends video and asks to be placed in 16mm film explaining their interest to work with film at the program.

Students and parents wishing for further information should email NYSSSA at: